Jesus prayed for your protection…

Jesus’s prayer in John 17:15,20 for believers to be protected from the evil one is answered daily, hourly, minute by minute.

If God the father was to take away his hand of protection we would not know what hit us. The amount of torturous attacks would be impossible to bear. The thoughts that would impound our head, the suggestions so subtly conceived, the accusations of past and present, the thoughts to seduce and tempt. Then on top of that there would be the attack from those who we know and love. They, being influenced by similar attacks. Grinding away daily how many Christians would survive a year , a week, a day of it? Even the strongest of us would not be able to bear up.

Taking every thought captive to Christ

Also you will not know where that injurous thought came from but be assured it’s not your thoughts, and those well meaning friends and family, like us, have not brought every thought captive to Christ and have let out a word out of season, designed by the enemy to inflame and anger, to break up and destroy to confuse and raise us up in arms to hate our brethren or attack them with pen and ink (or email) or verbally. An ego in defence mode and a thought unchecked, unchained not subject to the masters will but subject to our ego and its ugly and we will look back in sorrow.

Resisting evil

This is not of course allowing for our free will to take us out of Gods protection zone by our sin. The more we sin the more difficult it becomes to protect us that is why we have to repent, submit to God THEN resist the devil and he will flee. Submission must come first, but how, you say, can we submit? Think, always think carefully what he has asked you to do. Have you responded to his will for you in that hour, that moment, that time of your life? Do it, submit, and then resist the devil.  So how do you resist the devil? – In Praise and worship, that’s how. In your own language or other languages. In Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs.

In walking with our Lord ask for his divine hand to hold and guide you.  Ask, cry out even for his hand to hold you.

He has promised never to leave us or forsake us. Expect LOVE divine to hold you and the Devil will flee. He can do no other for he knows who holds you and that is enough.

More than conquerors

The bible says we are more than conquerors. What does that mean? How can you be more than a conqueror? Have you ever thought about how a conquered nation feels? Some overwhelming power has defeated it and its citizens effectively become enslaved. They do the will of the conqueror out of fear and they do it reluctantly. However we do not because the love of God transforms those it touches and we and they willingly submit to the will of the one who loves us so much and by whose power and authority we have victory against the flesh the world or the devil. Halleluiah what a saviour we have In Jesus.!

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