How the Devil is preparing the world for his worship

First up – Fake News

Have you noticed that there is more fake news, misinformation, no trust in government, doctors, scientists about disease, distrust in Christian workers, and conspiracy theories that range from man not landing on the moon to the world is flat?  You may wonder, why are people believing these lies?

Most have a distrust of society as a whole, or have anger against a government, local authority or police force because of what has happened in their lives. Most will say that the news on TV, radio and newspapers are fed information from the government and distrust what they hear or read and while it’s true there is some political bias from the mainstream media, we do have a source and an editor in chief to complain to. No, instead they go to social media and don’t try to get authentication of the source to find out if it is true or not.

Fake news and conspiracies are spread so quickly these days due to the internet and people don’t even ask if this is real or not and it is gaining strength. For example, someone put a joke online about Birds, that they are spyware for the US Government and now some people think that every time they see a bird that they have hidden cameras and sound recording devices in them. Others believe that we are being forced to eat insects instead of meat and so forth.

Fake news has been around for a long time. Take the Moon landing years ago in 1969. It was said by some that they were faked to stop the Russians from going to the Moon and they used as evidence a few photos saying that they were fakes because of the shadows. Now some people are saying the Apollo missions were all faked and never happened and that the films “Diamonds are For Ever” or 2001 are proof that the landings are false. I could go on but you can see how fake news explodes gets bigger and bigger and more people put in their ideas to get others to listen to them. These are just some examples of how fake news can travel quickly without anyone trying to find out the truth. People just want to believe what they want to believe. Unfortunately this helps the Devil.

Since Satan is the father of all lies (John 8:44), and the Devil is Satan, it seems reasonable to think he is making it easy to believe what he wants them to. After all, those who believe in Evolution don’t want God in their lives and won’t accept any evidence that supports the Bible or what God says. This is another motivation you have to look out for in people. Do they really want to know the truth? Are they willing to listen to my thinking.

Some Christians Duped Too

Even some Christian’s now believe in a Micro Chip with 666 in it and think Digital Currency is of the Devil. Some were even saying that the vaccine for Covid-19 was the mark of the beast (from the book of revelation in the bible), even though the beast is not even here! No one should listen to someone saying this or that is the mark of the beast, as we don’t know yet what it is and will leave people worrying about something which takes over their lives instead of listening to God.

Another term being bandied about is the NEW WORLD ORDER or the GREAT RESET and some Christians are falling into this trap, instead of asking God and trusting him.

They are also saying that Hell is not real, or is temporary or no one will go there. This is the misinformation that the Devil has been spewing out for some time and people believe this because they want to, not because it’s factual. The Devil loves these things as it is making it easier for him to deceive.

The Devil wants Christians to think and say, I don’t have time to pray, I can’t witness to others, I don’t have to go to Church, I am not worthy of Jesus love. All these are his lies. It is the opposite of what God wants for us. Some Christians in the certain parts of the world place themselves in danger by sharing about Jesus with others but they still do even though they know they will be arrested or tortured or killed but most of us in the “free world” world can’t use that excuse.

The Devil is paving the way with mistrust within society and by using unloving people who rage against God. Some people won’t accept that the Devil rules this world and has mastered the art of keeping people away from Jesus in any way he can. Many Christians are being attacked both spiritually and verbally because they are sharing their faith, encouraging other Christians or just by giving out leaflets about Jesus and so on.

The Biggest Lies

The biggest lies the Devil tells people, is that there is no afterlife, there is no Devil or Demons, there is no God and he wants as many people to listen to this. When the Devil turns up in the form of the Antichrist, he will appear to be the Messiah and will provide amazing miracles and show great things for people to believe this. Only those who listen to God now and hear the Holy Spirit will not fall for this lie.

Does this mean that the Antichrist will come soon? Who knows, we are not to know the time precisely, but we are to look at the signs that Jesus told us about. We also do not know the exact time when Jesus will return but again there will be signs to look out for. This might not be for a while or could happen sooner, but no one can say in five years’ time this is going to happen; we just don’t know that.

What Should We Do?

We should be prepared to share Jesus with the world or with anyone who will listen or ask and we should pray about this. If people are saying something about the end of the world, we should pray about that also and not just believe it.

We shouldn’t be worried or anxious about the end times, but trust God and pray. The Devil likes to say, you have plenty of time, but we don’t know how long we have to live. Not only that, I have found out that if we ask Jesus into our lives now, we grow with God and get to know him. It will take all our lives to understand a little about God and may take all eternity to really know God really well. This is amazing about God, and I have been learning about God for over 30 years and still get amazed by what he shows me about Himself, about this earth and life. We may not have a lot of time in our lives or the people we talk to, so it does matter. There is nothing more troubling to me than not sharing about Jesus enough so people can be saved and I always have regrets when someone I know did not ask Jesus into their lives before they died suddenly.

We should not share unchecked news or conspiracies but keep to the Truth of God and share Jesus with others. If people respect our ideas, they might listen to what we say. I have done a lot of research for a friend with the fake news he kept giving me and found out the truth and gave him links to read or watch but he didn’t always do this.

Fake news is so destructive to a person’s soul and it damages people as you see them declining before your eyes as they lose grip on reality. It is sad and upsetting that people are believing Satan’s lies which always leads down a road to destruction. We should oppose any lie and try to tell those around us that these are lies before they start going down the wrong road while there is still a chance to keep them on the straight and narrow path.

Final Reminders

As more people abandon God or reject Jesus in their lives, it makes people more likely to believe the lies of Satan as they don’t question what they are being told. Those who don’t want God in their lives, will try to turn others away or ridicule those who do follow God. They will use any lie they can to deceive or just say there is no proof in what you say. They usually say where is your proof? When I have given them the evidence for Jesus, they have ignored the historical evidence or witness accounts as just rubbish, rather than thinking it through. Things will always get worse in life as people abandon God and won’t follow his teaching of loving others. Some are happy to rob or murder others and say there is no God and I won’t be accountable for my actions. This is a big mistake but just shows why some people do these things.

We have to remind them, there IS a God.

We ARE accountable for our actions to God.

Jesus DID die and resurrect for our Sins, so we can be close to God.

Fake news, conspiracy theory and evolution are the lies of Satan to turn people away from Jesus.

Satan is real and does exist.

God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell but Satan does.

God loves us and always will.  He wants us to turn to him and make this world a better place.

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