God is in control
What does that statement mean? For theological students out there, it forms a part of the belief system of Calvinists and those who adhere to theological determinism. But what does it mean to the average Joe? Can it mean that everything that happens here on earth is what God wants to happen? Some Christians use this phrase a lot when something tragic happens, others use it when a difficult situation that they were feeling out of their depth on, goes their way. They can also use the phrase “God is sovereign” which I deal with in another article by the same name. They would say this to folk to console them when bad things happen but is that biblical?
To the hearer, the phrase “God is in control” means that God, who let’s face it is all powerful, is in total control. He has the situation in hand, its all under His control, nothing is happening here that is not under His control so don’t worry. Is that right? Is this you? Do you confuse control with authority? Are they the same thing to you? Can you find the phrase “God is in control” in the bible? Do you want to be biblical? Did any apostle say this? Look into the Old testament too. The bible never denies that God has absolute authority and power and He could if he wished control everything then there would be no sin in the world, no devil no disasters and it would be great but for one small detail. We would not be free beings but “controlled humans” with no free will to do anything wrong. Does the bible teach that? Well the devil could have been stopped from rebelling. Adam and Eve could have been stopped from eating the forbidden fruit, but that did not happen – Why? Because God’s love creates sentient beings with free will even though that means they can (and God knew) they would sin, with all the consequences that God knew would come of it. So let us not put words into peoples heart that have not come from the bible.
When a Christian is dying of cancer or has lost their son to a disease or accident or even suicide – is that the control of God they are talking about? Does everything have a reason (“good” reason) for happening? Then what about evil? Is there no evil in this world and would they ever attribute anything that happens in this world to evil forces or mankind’s wrongdoing. If someone can pick up a gun and go on a shooting spree for whatever reason and kills your loved one – Do they say then God is in control – He intended that to happen for a “good” reason. Can they ever admit that God did not plan or intend something (evil) to happen to someone. It happened because we live in a fallen world that has evil and sinful human beings living in it. When challenged like this they shift their argument to one of “God is in ultimate control”. What does that mean? They have just sidestepped the issue raised by the above by kicking the can down the road. Ultimately? Does it mean God did not intend your loved one to die like that but He is in control of…of… well I will let them finish what they are trying to get at as I don’t know and to be honest its not helpful to anyone, except maybe themselves as they try to make sense of the world by blaming God (Ultimately).
Jesus himself said in Matthew 6:10 Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray – so this is a prayer. We are to pray for God’s will to be done on earth as its being done in Heaven but wait a minute, Why pray for God’s will to be done if its already being done because God is in control – right? Something is wrong with this superficial thinking that God controls everything on earth and by implication therefore everything that happens is His will, whether we like the outcome or not in our lives or the world. They really need to think more deeply about what the consequences and ramifications are of that thinking on both the character of God and the nature of evil. Superficially, I think what they suggest is that God is making the final decisions but this would mean that they have to accept that things happen in our world that God does not want (even their sin). It leaves the door open to think that something bad can happen to a “good” person and God did not step in to stop it. It could happen to them. – Oh dear.
There are other problems too with this superficial thinking that God controls everything – Evil is in the world and so are we human beings that can and do commit wrongs against others and ourselves. The bible defines these wrongs as sins. Not only do we sin against others and ourselves but we sin against God because He does not want us to sin. So if sin is in the world that cant be because God wants it to be. He is so against it.
So lets ask a question back to those that say God is in control – What exactly is God controlling and who is judging what that is ultimately or otherwise. If they say everything then surely we are robots and we are living in heaven on earth. If they back off from this and say No no, all the evil is down to man’s sin, then they are accepting the fact that man has free will to sin. God is not controlling (stopping man’s sin). God can take a man’s spirit back and he returns to dust. That’s one way to stop sin but then to be fair God would have to do that to everyone who sinned or God would be unjust. There is more I could say on this topic but lets leave it there for now.
I believe God is the supreme authority in heaven and on Earth. Matthew 28:18 says so, and that means every power and authority has to answer to Him. It does not mean that everything that happens on earth is His will. If it was we would have heaven on earth but we don’t.
We see its not a useful phrase just as saying God allowed something is not a useful phrase because who is determining what God allows because He wants it or because of free will? Saying God is not in control is also incorrect. It is however biblical to say God is able to control if he chooses.
God is intimately involved with His creation and He will respond to His peoples prayers. He will also act to ensure His salvation plan is not thwarted and that everything that He said in His word will happen – happens! however to say He controls everything is not to face reality. Mankind still has free will, some use that for evil purposes. There are wars and rumor’s of wars, famine and disease. So when a disaster happens to someone and you say to them God is in control (or ultimately in control) are you implying that God wanted that to happen for some reason you cant fathom? If you were on the end of such wit how would you respond?
The simplistic way that someone comes out with this statement shows how little they have thought it through. It is a presumptuous phrase that is often swallowed without much thought or challenge. If this is you, what will you think when disaster hits you then? Let me ask again if you yourself lost a loved one in a car accident or “natural” disaster and someone said to you don’t worry God is in control. how would you feel about it then.
I hope this article has made you think twice before coming out with that phrase again. If not please explain what you mean by it below.
Please read our associated article “Who controls the Earth”.